
Red Sea

Hurghada - The town that captures the hearts

The beautiful town of Hurghada captivates the hearts and the souls of whoever has seen it. While maintaining the vivacity, originality, cordiality and conviviality of a typical Egyptian fishers village it once was, Hurghada offers all the comfort, modern amenities and world standard activities and entertainment anyone could desire. Hurghada's spectacular landscapes, it's deep-blue sea with enchanting islands, it's beautiful promenades lined with all kinds of shops, restaurants and cosy cafés, it's beautifully arranged gardens, the tasteful architecture and amazing marinas all contribute to the vividly beating heart of Hurghada.


El Gouna - It's Charm will Overwhelm You!

El Gouna... you will just love it! Issued from the vision of an Egyptian enterpreneur, his love for the sea and the creativity of his Nubian friend, El Gouna is a pleasant lagoon city marying the sea, wonderful gardens and luxury with the appealing Nubian architecture. Dotted with cozy cafés and restaurants, although it is expensive, you have to see it.


Marsa Alam - Snorkelers' and Divers' Dream

Marsa Alam is a new burgeoning resort at the south of the Egyptian Red Sea Coast. Being classified the second most beautiful diving site of the World, it is known to all lovers of its wonderful sealife! Its great hotels and resorts are also ideal for family vacations.


Ain Al Sokhna - Red Sea Resort closest to Cairo

Ain Al Sokhna is a popular Red Sea resort close to Suez and not far from Cairo. Beside luxury hotels it also offers apartment hotels and residences, most being built on the mountain slope with amazing sea view. An excellent choice if you like to visit Cairo and the Suez Channel towns...

Makadi - Relaxing in quiet luxury

Makadi is a luxury resort location at the sea half-way between Hurghada and Safaga. Providing all services and entertainment it allows you to enjoy affordable luxury, away from the commotion of the cities. In Makadi you can definitely relax or quietly work online...

Safaga - Merge Into Wonderful Nature

In the small coastal town of Safaga you can merge into nature, local Egyptian hospitality and cuisine, and find accomodation at low prices. Of course, there are also luxury hotels, yacht trips, wonderful underwater sights and a cruise port... Several expats have already discovered it!


Sharm El Sheikh - Vibrant Holiday Paradise

Romantic cafés and restaurants, marvelous landscapes, unforgettable underwater world, stunning snorkeling and diving trips, sumptuous gardens and walks, exciting night life... and the colorful bedouin hospitality - all of that makes Sharm El Sheikh a World-famous holiday destination.


Dahab - Relaxed, welcoming and traditional

If you intend to merge into the pleasures of nature, simplicity and folklore, Dahab is the ideal place for you. You will enjoy the typical architecture, the beautiful Red Sea beaches, corals and colorful fish, welcoming people and astounding night skies to admire the stars...


Cairo - the Millennial Capital

In Cairo you can find everything you can ever think of: work, business opportunities, studies, museums, entertainment, cultural centers, sports clubs, the Nile promenades... and the Pyramids. You also find hotels of all categories, and good accomodation - especially in the suburbs

The New Capital - a Futuristic Administrative and Business Center

The New Capital is a huge project grouping hyper-modern infrastructure, administrative and business buildings, entertainment, upscale housing units and resorts, international investments and representations boarded with industrial parks. Lnodon, Paris and New York will feel old-fashioned...


Mediterranean Coast

Alexandria - The bride of the Mediterranean

Since its foundation by Alexander the Great, Alexandria has been a cultural capital of the Southern Mediterranean coast. A bustling city combining Egyptian and Mediterranean traditions, and Egypt's largest port city, Alexandria is a favorite of traders, businessmen and seniors, loving its liberal atmosphere.


Marsa Matrouh - Calm beauty of the sea

Marsa Matrouh is a calm Mediterranean city in full development. Its beautiful bays, islands, white sand beaches protected by cliffs, corniche promenade and attractive cafés and restaurants as well as affordable luxury accomodations make it a favorite for people seeking a calm seaside environment.


Port Said - Vivid port, fisher and trade Mediterranean city

If you like to observe busy fishers, stroll through colorful markets, discover the historic neighborhood - or enjoy seashore promenades, you will be happy at Port Said. Huge infrastructure and luxury housing projects are also under construction nearby. Moreover, a busy port and industrial zone offer many opportunities at the entrance of the Suez Canal.


Suez Canal towns

Ismailia - Sea, Gardens and Channels

The gorgeous town of Ismailia doesn't receive the recognition it deserves. Ismailia has it all - a gulf, several channels crossing the town boarded by green gardens and walkways, a year-round moderate climate, renowned sea food restaurants, comfortable accomodation - and it's inexpensive.

Suez - A beautiful port city at the Red Sea

Suez is another port and industrial city in full development - with its typical Red Sea culture, fish restaurants, yachting and fishing, channels and parks. While Suez itself is inexpensive, luxury resorts line the sea up to El Sokhna. Suez is close to Ismailia, Cairo, El Sokhna and Sharm El Sheikh...

The Southern Nile Valley and Nubia

Luxor - The First Capital of the Pharaohs

Luxor and its environments are renowned for their celebrated temples, tombs and archaeological sites. Hot air balloon tours are a local attraction as well, Luxor being classed the second most impressive balloon ride destination worldwide. Nile cruises as well are highly cherished...


Aswan - The Bride of Nubia

Aswan is an amazing town famous for its spectacular beauty. Visit not only its great temples, but also its islands and Nubian villages, and enjoy Nubian music and dance... Don't miss a trip on a "felucca" sailing boat to bring you there, and stay at a Nubian guesthouse to experience the legendary kindness of the Nubians and the fabulous beauty of nature...


★ Discover Nubia and the Nubian Village

If you go to Luxor and Aswan, you shouldn't miss a visit or a stay at the magnificent Nubian Village, resplending in colors, testimony of the Nubians' love for art. Live utter joy in the care of the friendly and hospitable Nubians, who will spare no effort to make you happy in any way they can. You will also find beautiful handicrafts for your loved ones and friends...

★ The unique Nubian Islands - A paradise for nature lovers

The Nubian Islands are an ideal location to escape the busy tourist and city centers and truly enjoy the incomparable beauty of genuine Nubian nature, kindness and hospitality, in cozy guesthouses overlooking the Nile... A voyage to the roots of civilization you will never forget!

Abu Simbel - The most spectacular temples ever built

Take a Lake Nasser cruise to Abu Simbel. You will be stupefied by the entirely rock-carved temple of Abu Sibmbel with its 21 meters tall statues of sitting Pharaoh Ramses II and the one for his beautiful Queen Nefertari. Stay at the "Eskaleh" guesthouse, to enjoy the original Nubian hospitality and traditions as well as original songs - it's owner is a famous Nubian artist!


The Western Desert

★ Surprizing Siwa Oasis

The Siwa Oasis is one of seven large depressions in Egypt's Western Desert, inhabited by Amazigue Berbers, protecting their ancient culture and tradition. The ruins of an ancient Amun temple, the Cleopatra Baths and of the mudbrick-built old town of Siwa as well as hot springs and touristic installations built in traditional architecture attract tourists, adventurers and travelers.

★ Puzzling White Desert

The astounding view of large white chalk columns, topped with a large rock "lid", emanating from the desert sands, and chalk caves as well as several natural hot sulphured springs - famous for their curative properties - are a unique attraction offered by tourist offices who organize camping tours, including even sand boarding from sand dunes.


